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AIC Chooses Numerable Board Data

PRESS RELEASE Release date: 20th May 2024 The Association of Investment Companies (AIC) has chosen the Numerable board intelligence platform for the organisation’s board research and analysis. The Numerable system collects and merges data on UK companies and their directors…

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The State of FTSE Board Diversity in March 2024

It is broadly recognised, and confirmed by research, that a diverse board of  directors can lead to more effective decision making, as well as representing a broader range of stakeholders. A year ago the FCA updated or introduced three board…

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FTSE Director Mean Total Remuneration

FTSE Directors – the Shape of Pay

The High Pay Centre recently published their annual Analysis of UK CEO Pay, which found that the median pay of FTSE 100 CEOs was £3.91M in 2022. We've created a broader picture of FTSE Director pay by analysing the mean…

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The Ethnic Diversity Challenge for FTSE Boards

The target of having at least one ethnic minority board director, and to report on this, is a significant challenge for FTSE companies - especially those with smaller boards in the FTSE 250 and SmallCap Indexes. 144 FTSE All-Share companies…

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