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Subscribers can search and analyse detailed information on companies listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) and their directors.

They can search, filter, sort and browse directories of public companies and their directors in the FTSE All-Share and UK AIM All-Share indexes.

They also have access to all the features and data on every UK company and director, that is available to Standard users.


Numerable’s features and data are accessed from the tabs near the top of the window.

  LSE Companies – Overview

This view shows a table of LSE companies with an overview of key information.

  1. Search for a company by EPIC code or name
  2. Filter companies using checkbox groups for LSE index, country of incorporation and Industry
  3. Sort rows into order by clicking on any column header
  4. Click on a row to view the officers and other details of a company
  5. View column totals and averages at the bottom of the table
  6. Output a Snapshot PDF for a company
  7. Click through to the company’s website, last Annual Report, Companies House page or a map of its address

When the table contains more than 25 companies the table is arranged in pages of 25 companies. Move between pages using the arrows in the title bar.

  LSE Companies – Board

This view shows board composition information for LSE companies.

The Total Directors column indicates how many directors are currently on each company’s board. Click on the column header to find the largest and smallest boards.

Director roles are classified as:

  1. CEO – Chief Executive Officer or equivalent.
  2. CFO – Chief Financial Officer or equivalent.
  3. Other Exec. Director – any other executive director not classified as CEO or CFO.
  4. Chair – including both non-executive and executive Chairs, and independent and non-independent.
  5. Senior Indep. Director – Senior Independent Director.
  6. Non-Executive Director – non-executive directors (both independent and non-independent) who are not classified as Chair or Senior Independent Director.
  7. Director – directors whose roles are not known or have not been classified.

Company Secretary – the official company secretaries. Only people are counted here, not corporate company secretaries. The company secretary may also have another role, such as General Counsel.

  LSE Companies – Governance

This view shows a table of board governance and diversity metrics for LSE companies. You can use the checkboxes to select a group of companies (e.g. by FTSE Index, or company industry) and then rank companies, by clicking on the column headers.

The columns are:

  1. Targets Complied With – how many of the 5 board composition governance targets the company complies with.
  2. Non-Execs (exc. Chair) – the proportion of board directors (excluding the Chair) who are non-executive. Compliant if this is 50% or more, as per UK Corporate Governance Code.
  3. Non-Execs > 9 years tenure – the number of non-executive directors whose board tenure exceeds 9 years. Compliant if this is 0, as per UK Corporate Governance Code.
  4. Percent Female – the proportion of female board members. Compliant if this is 40% or more, as per FCA Listing Rules.
  5. Senior Females – the number of females in senior board positions (CEO, CFO, Chair, SID). Compliant if this is 1 or more, as per FCA Listing Rules.
  6. Ethnic Minority Directors – the number of ethnic minority directors on the board, as disclosed in the last Annual Report – compliant if one or greater, as per FCA Listing Rules
  7. Non-British Directors – the number of current directors having a non-British nationality; the figure includes directors with multiple nationalities, one of which is British
  8. Mean Age (years) – the mean (average) age of current main board directors.
  9. Standard Deviation of Age (years) – the standard deviation of the ages of the current main board directors. This is a measure of the spread of ages, or age diversity, of the board.

 LSE Companies – Dates

This view shows a table of key dates for LSE companies. You can use the checkboxes to select a group of companies (e.g. by FTSE Index, or company industry) and then rank companies, by clicking on the column headers.

The columns are:

  1. Founded – the date of incorporation of the company.
  2. Last Annual Report Publication Date – the date when the last Annual Report was published.
  3. Last Annual Report End of FY – the date of the end of the financial year reported in the last published Annual Report.
  4. Days From End of FY to Annual Report Publication – the number of days after then the end of the last reported financial year that the Annual Report was published.
    FTSE (main market) companies should publish their Annual Report within 4 months of the end of the FY, while AIM companies should do so within 6 months. If a company has met that target the number of days is shown in green; if not it is orange.
  5. Next Annual Report Due – the date when the next Annual Report is due to be published (4 or 6 months after the end of the FY, as described above).
    The date is green if today is less than 1 year after the previous Annual Report publication; orange if today is more than 1 year after the previous report, but is still before the due date; and red if today is after the due date (i.e. the report is overdue).
  6. Last AGM – the date of the last Annual General Meeting.

  LSE Roles

This tab shows a table of LSE roles. A role is an officer appointment, such as a directorship.

A person can hold multiple roles at the same time, even in one company – e.g. in AIM-listed companies the CFO is often also the Company Secretary..

  1. Search for a role by a person’s name
  2. Filter roles using checkbox groups for LSE index, country of incorporation, role status (e.g. current), gender, role type and industry
  3. Sort rows into order by clicking on any column header
  4. Click on a row to view the a company’s officers and other details
  5. View column totals and averages at the bottom of the table

  LSE People

This shows a table of people who hold (or have held) LSE roles.

  1. Search for a person by name
  2. Filter people using checkbox groups for LSE index, role status (e.g. current) and gender
  3. Sort rows into order by clicking on any column header
  4. Click on a row to view the a person’s roles and other details
  5. View column totals and averages at the bottom of the table

 LSE News

This shows a table of regulated news releases from LSE companies, initially sorted with the most recent at the top.

  1. New releases are shown within 30 minutes of publication
  2. Today’s new releases are shown in bold
  3. Search for news releases by company name or ticker
  4. Filter news releases by LSE Index or news category
  5. Sort rows into order by clicking on any column header
  6. Click on a row to view the full news release

 Company – Dashboard

A summary of information on a selected company and its board.

  1. Core info
  2. Board
  3. Governance
  4. Dates

 Company – Board

Information on a selected company and its board.

  1. View the board as a table, connection diagram or timeline, and click on a person to see their other roles
  2. For a private company, also see the PSCs – People with Significant Control
  3. Click on an arrow in the connections diagram to see more details of that role – officers are shown with thin arrows and PSCs with thick ones; directors have solid arrows while other officer roles are dashed
  4. When viewing the table, sort rows into order by clicking on a column header, and see total and average values for information shown
  5. Filter people using checkbox groups for role status, gender and role (e.g. CEO
  6. View second degree connections – the other companies where this company’s directors are on the board
  7. See details of the company, including LSE EPIC, index, industry, market capitalisation and revenue
  8. Get a Snapshot PDF of the company and board information, to download or print
  9. Click to go to the company’s website, last Annual Report, Companies House page or a map
  10. Click on the star by the company name, to add to Favourite Companies

 Company – News

A list of recent regulatory news releases issued by the selected company.

Today’s news, if any, is shown in bold.

Click on a row to view the full news release.

 Person – Roles

Information on a person that you have selected.

  • View the person’s board and PSC roles as a table, connection diagram or timeline
  • Click on a company to see the rest of its board
  • Click on an arrow in the connections diagram to see more details of that role
  • When viewing the table, sort rows by clicking on a column header, and see total and average values
  • Filter people using checkbox groups for role status, gender and role (e.g. CEO)
  • View second degree connections – the person’s co-directors
  • See details of the person, including age, gender, nationality and country of residence
  • Click on the button to go to or search for the person’s LinkedIn page
  • Click on the star by the person’s name, to add them to Favourite People

 Person – News

Regulatory news releases that mention the selected person.


This shows a single selected news release.

Click on the news release header to view the issuing company’s page.